Committees & Groups

Risk Management Committee

The Risk Management Committee (RMC) discusses and recommends courses of action to address credit and risk management issues pursuant to PJM’s responsibilities for consideration by the Markets and Reliability Committee.

The RMC:

  • Considers and recommends changes to the PJM governing documents and manuals on credit and associated risk management principles
  • Provides credit and associated risk management expertise to the PJM stakeholder process
  • Considers matters relating to the financial and market-driven risk exposures faced by PJM members and the management of those risks

Chair/facilitator: Tom Zadlo
Secretary: Julia Spatafore

During the meeting, if you are experiencing issues with connectivity or teleconference, please contact Meeting Support. For registration issues, contact PJM.

Roster PDF

PMA Calculation Spreadsheet for Members XLS
Charter PDF
Single Meeting Voting Proxy  
Credit Subcommittee Materials   

Meeting Materials