Markets & Operations

Markets Gateway Release Notes

System Requirements

Release 2.86.1

Release Dates

Train: 8.29.2019
Production: 9.5.2019

About This Release

Certain generation units in PJM have limitations, such as fuel availability, demineralized water, etc. that may impact how many hours they are able to run in a given time period. Because these limitations are dependent on how many hours a unit runs, as well as on which schedule and fuel the unit is running on, PJM is making an enhancement to Markets Gateway that provides more dynamic notice to PJM Dispatch if a unit is running close to one or more of its limitations.

New Features

  • A new screen has been added for Resource Limitations at Generator > Resource Limitations
  • Resources will have the ability to enter unit level or fuel level limitation information
  • Users will enter the following information:
    • Limitation Start Date
    • Limitation Start Time
    • Limitation End Date
    • Limitation End Time
    • Hours Remaining at Full Load
    • Replenished Hours at Limitation End Date
    • PJM Established Hours Remaining
  • The current Generator > Schedules > Restrictions Information screen will retain “Operational Restriction Other” as this is used for Capacity Performance Exceptions

Associated External Interface Specification Guide Version: Revision 63

User Guide PDF


Previous Releases


Release Dates
Train: 5.22.2019
Production: 6.4.2019

About This Release
In order to improve usability and provide additional transparency for both participants and dispatch, the following changes have been made: 1) some additional information has been added to the Dispatch Lambda page, and 2) the functionality on the Unit Detail page with respect to Price Based Units has been clarified.

New Features
A new “Schedule Type” column has been added to communicate the unit’s current schedule (cost, price, etc.). Previously, the schedule shown was the unit’s original schedule rather than the schedule the unit was switched to after the TPS evaluation. XSD/XML updates are required for the new element “Schedule Type.” See the External Interface Specification Guide below for updated instructions.

The column labels for the “Called On Time” and “Called Off Time” columns have been changed to “On Time” and “Off Time” for clarity. On the Unit Detail page of Markets Gateway there has been a change in behavior implemented for the Use Cost Based Startup flag pertaining to the No Load and Startup Cost fields which applies to “Price Based Units” only. If the unit is designated as a “Priced Based Unit” and if the “Use Cost Based Startup” flag is selected for the next period then the No Load and Startup Cost fields will no longer appear for that period upon pressing the Save and Refresh buttons on the screen (startup costs will be derived from the Schedule Detail page). Alternatively, if the flag is un-selected then the No Load and Startup Cost fields will appear for that period upon pressing the Save and Refresh buttons on the screen.

Associated External Interface Specification Guide version: Revision 62


Release Dates
Train: 4.8.2019
Production: 4.24.2019

About This Release
A validation in Markets Gateway has been preventing some resources from updating their energy parameters (economic min/max, emergency min/max) in real time because of comparisons to the SR Max value, which is an hourly value locked 65 min before the operating hour. With this new release, this validation will no longer occur in the Markets Gateway UI or via XML. Instead, the validation will be performed downstream in the optimization engines.

New Features
The validation in Markets Gateway for the following rules: 1) SR Max = Eco Max ≤ Emergency Max for all resources, and 2) SR Max ≤ Eco Max ≤ Emergency Max for resources that have submitted a modification request, has been removed. If a parameter is submitted on any Markets Gateway screen that violates these rules, Markets Gateway will accept the submission but the optimization engines will use the correct value. Participants are encouraged to submit and update their parameters in a timely manner to reflect the actual capability of their resources.
New/modified XML: No changes are required for XML submission

Associated External Interface Specification Guide version: Revision 61