Dynamic Transfers

This page has information for generators outside of the PJM footprint that want to deliver their output into the PJM territory.


When a generator within one balancing authority agrees to deliver power into another, it can choose to electrically transfer its output into the attaining balancing authority and thereby make itself available for dispatch by the attaining balancing authority. This is called a dynamic transfer. As a dynamic transfer, a unit can elect to either dynamically schedule or pseudo tie into an attaining balancing authority.

Dynamic vs. Pseudo-Tie

Contact DynamicTransferRequests@pjm.com for any inquiries related to this page.

Dynamic Transfer Requests

If requested, PJM will provide a copy of the results of the Electrical Distance and Market-to-Market Flowgate Tests as well as related work papers to the extent that providing such work papers does not violate confidentiality agreements in place nor reveal market sensitive information.

Also, if requested, PJM will meet with each pseudo-tie applicant to discuss specific modeling assumptions and the results of the Electrical Distance and Market-to-Market Flowgate Tests for the individual pseudo-tie applicant.


Dynamic Schedule

This is a reading or value used to schedule generation, often jointly-owned, between balancing authorities. It is subject to North American Electric Reliability Corporation tagging rules.

A unit may decide to dynamically schedule, instead of pseudo tying, because the owner does not hold long-term firm transmission service.

Manual 12: Balancing Operations WEB | PDF

Pseudo Tie

This is a reading or value used as a “virtual” connection to a grid operator when no physical tie exists. The native balancing authority removes the unit from its calculations to schedule generation, and the attaining balancing authority adds it to its own. Pseudo ties currently are not subject to NERC tagging rules, and they must register with the North American Energy Standards Board to assist with interregional congestion management.

A unit may decide to pseudo tie, instead of dynamically scheduling, because the resource is seeking a capacity import limit exception in PJM’s reliability pricing model.

Pseudo-Tie Transfer Process Flow | Diagram PDF

M2M Qualification Test Preliminary Results

2023 | 2022 PDF 

Comparison of Renewable Portfolio Standards (RPS) Programs in PJM States PDF

Requirements Comparison

  Dynamic Transfer Scheduled Interchange

Pseudo Tie Dynamic Schedule Block Schedule
Cost Fee to become PJM member if not already a member
Fee to establish a data connection if one does not already exist  
Fees to:
  • evaluate if a unit passes the PJM external capacity criteria
  • update PJM’s modeling to include the unit
Estimated Time to Implement 12-30 months 3-6 months 1 week - 1 month
Capacity Market Participation Eligible Not Eligible
  1. Pro Forma without native BA as party WEB or Pro Forma with native BA as party WEB
  2. System Modification Cost Reimbursement Agreement - Attachment MM-1 WEB
Pro Forma Dynamic Schedule WEB Not Required
Resource Eligibility Criteria
  1. Minimum 10MW
  2. Electrical Distance Test PDF
  3. Seams Coordination Model Consistency Test
  4. Market-Market Flowgate Test PDF
  5. Transfer of Firm Allocation Eligibility
Not Required
Automatic Generation Control (AGC) Modeling Required Not Required 
EMS Modeling Required Not Required
Outage Reporting Required via eDART  Not Required
Transmission Service

Manual 12: Balancing Operations WEB | PDF
Quick User Guide (PDF) 
  • Firm Network External Designation Transmission Service or
  • Firm (point-to-point) or
  • Legacy (if previously FERC approved)
  • Firm (point-to-point) or
  • Non-firm (point-to-point) subject to curtailments or
  • Network non-designated (if a load serving entity) or
  • Spot service or
  • Legacy (if previously FERC approved)
All types permitted bases on members executed agreements per line of business 
Day-Ahead Capacity Must Offer Required Not Required
Telemetry Required Not Required 
Energy Scheduling Telemetry Block scheduling
(minimum 15-minute duration) 
PJM Membership Required (Membership Assistant)
NAESB Registration Electric Industry Registry; both Entity and
Pseudo Tie Registration PDF
Electric Industry Registry; Entity Registration
NERC Tagging Not Required Required via third-party tag agent software
Unit Specific Yes

*Agreements listed on the Dynamic Transfers page are for reference only.  PJM will provide official agreements for execution.