Compliance Bulletins
Compliance Bulletins are a tool developed by PJM’s NERC department to provide clarity surrounding ambiguous language in the published NERC Reliability Standards and to provide guidance to the Standard Owners and members to assist with PJM’s compliance with the standards.
CB006 - PJM Control Room Interactions Clean PDF | Redline PDF
This Compliance Bulletin provides an explanation of the interactions and coordination between operators in PJM’s control room as they relate to the NERC functional model responsibilities.
CB007 - NERC DADS Reporting Requirements for PJM & PJM Members Clean PDF | Redline PDF
The purpose of this Compliance Bulletin is to outline the responsibilities of PJM and its members in regards to the NERC DADS reporting requirements.
CB016 - MOD-026 Verification of Models & Data for Generator Excitation Control System or Plant Volt/Var Control Functions & MOD-027 Verification of Models & Data for Turbine/Governor & Load Control or Active Power/Frequency Control Functions Clean PDF | Redline PDF
This bulletin describes the process for a Generator Owner to update data specified in MOD-026-1 or MOD-027-1 if required.
CB017- NERC Standard PRC-005 Clean PDF | Redline PDF
PJM issues this compliance bulletin in order to provide guidance for PJM Transmission Owners, Generator Owners, and Distribution Providers that are required to document and implement programs for the maintenance of all Protection Systems affecting the reliability of the Bulk Electric System (BES).
CB019 - NERC CIP-002-5.1 R1: CIP Assessment of Phasor Measurements Units & Synchrophasors Infrastructure Clean PDF
CB020 – NERC Standards CIP-002, CIP-014, & FAC-014 Clean PDF | Redline PDF
This Compliance Bulletin describes the process PJM implemented to identify assets that will serve as input to the analysis in support of compliance with NERC standards CIP-002, CIP-014, and FAC-014, in addition to discussing the process for coordinating and communicating to the Transmission Owners (TOs) the results of this analysis and for assisting as the third-party reviewer.
CB023 - NERC Standard MOD-025-2 Clean PDF | Redline PDF
The purpose of this Compliance Bulletin is to document the process for TOs and GOs to submit data to PJM as the Transmission Planner in accordance with MOD-025-2.
CB025 - NERC Standard PRC-002-2 Disturbance Monitoring & Reporting Requirement Clean PDF
The purpose of this Compliance Bulletin is to document the process when PJM requests Transmission Owners (TOs) and Generator Owners (GOs) submit sequence of events recording (SER) and fault recording (FR) data for identified BES buses and dynamic Disturbance recording (DDR) data for identified BES Elements to PJM as Planning Coordinator (PC) in the Eastern Interconnection.
CB026 - Coordination with External Transmission Operators Clean PDF | Redline PDF
The purpose of this Compliance Bulletin and the Coordination Guide in Attachment A is to document the approach that PJM as the registered TOP and the individual PJM Transmission Owners (TO) take to follow the applicable Requirements in the NERC Reliability Standards.
CB028 - NERC Standard FAC-001 - Facilities within a BA Area Clean PDF | Redline PDF
NERC Standard FAC-001, R3.3 and R4.3 require that each Transmission Owner and applicable Generator Owner shall have procedures for confirming that their new or existing facilities seeking to make a qualified change as defined by the PC are within a BA Area.
CB029 - NERC Standard PRC-027 & other Protection & Control Series Standards Clean PDF | Redline PDF
NERC Standard FAC-001-3, requirements R3.3 and R4.3 require that each Transmission Owner and applicable Generator Owner shall have procedures for confirming that their new or materially modified facilities are within a Balancing Authority Area’s metered boundaries.
Retired Bulletins
CB001 - NERC Standard PRC-001-1(ii) – System Protection Coordination PDF has been retired, effective 4/1/2021
This Compliance Bulletin will remain available for a limited time to assist the PJM Transmission Owners with their own programs.
CB002 - NERC Standard PRC-023-1
CB003 - Definition of “Annual” & Related Terms
CB004 - MOD-004-1 Capacity Benefit Margin
CB005 NERC Standard MOD-030-02: Existing Transmission Commitments (ETC) Calculations PDF has been retired, effective 3/20/2024
This Compliance Bulletin will remain available for a limited time to assist the PJM Transmission Owners with their own programs.
CB008 - NERC Standard IRO-010-1a
CB009 - NERC Standard TOP-006-1
CB010 - PJM Data Submittal to Satisfy PJM LSE’s Requirements Under NERC Standard MOD-017 Through MOD-021
CB011 - NERC Ratings Initiative Task Force (NRITF) Compliance Bulletin
CB012 - NERC Standard COM-002 R2: All Call & 3 Part Communication
CB013 - NERC Standard TOP-002
CB014 - Definition of Bulk Electric System (BES) – PJM Member Notifications PDF has been retired effective 3/13/2024
This Compliance Bulletin will remain available for a limited time to assist the PJM Transmission Owners with their own programs.
CB015 - NERC Standard MOD-025-2
CB018 - NERC Standard CIP-002-5
CB022 – MOD-032-1 Data for Power System Modeling & Analysis
CB024 - COM-0012.1 - Interpersonal Communications Capability PDF has been retired, effective 1/4/2024
This Compliance Bulletin will remain available for a limited time to assist the PJM Transmission Owners with their own programs.
CB027 - NERC Standard TOP-001-4: Transmission Operations