Currently, Transmission Entities (other than PJM) are unable to determine generator telemetry and reactive capability data across the PJM footprint in real-time. While these entities may have the ability to determine generator telemetry data in their particular zone, events occurring outside their respective zone may necessitate actions to prevent potential reliability issues. The lack of real-time generator telemetry and reactive capability data leads to uncertainty, notably reduced situational awareness for the transmission owner as to the current system conditions, which, in turn, inhibits the ability to respond to real-time events effectively and inaccurate transmission operations planning analysis used to ensure reliability during planned and unplanned transmission outage events.
The current PJM process to obtain this data is burdensome and time-consuming, which effectively discourages Transmission Owners from obtaining this reliability data.
The Transmission Owner should have immediate ease of access to the generator real-time telemetry and reactive capability across the PJM footprint to allow for concurrent assessment of any transmission-related concerns. The additional timely information significantly improves situational awareness and provides the entity the improved ability to timely assess the impacts of external conditions and be able to develop effective plans or implement corrective actions to maintain reliability. Absent sufficient situational awareness can only diminish reliability and could result in system failure.