Committees & Groups

Issue Details

Make Whole Payment Cost Allocation for Resources Committed for Reliability in the Day Ahead Market

This is the fast tracked temporary fix to better allocate DA operating reserves for units called on for reliability. This issue also includes in it the OATT and manual language for the issue: “Compensation of Make Whole Payments to Automatic Load Rejection (ALR) Black Start Units”

Proposed Timeline

Issue initiated: 11.27.2012
Work begins: TBD
Target Completion: TBD
Actual Completion: TBD

Issue Details

Stakeholder Body Members Committee
Subject Matter Expert Sechrist, Erin L.
Problem Statement/
Issue Charge First Read
Issue Catalyst PJM
Issue Status Closed
Manual Changes No
Agreement Changes Open Access Transmission Tariff
  • Stakeholder Process Step

  • Completed Approved
  • Completed Education
  • Completed Interest
  • Completed Design
  • Completed Options
  • Completed Packages
  • Completed Consensus
  • Completed Review
  • Completed Completed