
Meeting Details

Meeting details and materials are provided below. If registration is open, you can update your attendance preferences below. You will receive notification via email upon registration and when updates are made to the meeting, such as a time or location change.

Markets & Reliability Committee

September 25, 2024
Markets and Reliability Committee

Meeting Materials

09.19.2024 Agenda PDF
09.19.2024 Agenda-doc DOC
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda A - Draft MRC Minutes - 08.21.2024 PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda B - 1 Manual 6 Periodic Review - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda B - 2 Manual 6 Periodic Review - Executive Summary PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda B - 3 Manual 6 Periodic Review - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda B - 4 Manual 6 Periodic Review - Clean PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda C - 1 Manual 14B Revisions - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda C - 2 Manual 14B Revisions - Executive Summary PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda C - 3 Manual 14B Revisions - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda C - 4 Manual 14B Revisions - Clean PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda C - 5 Load Profiles Manual 14B - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda D - 1 Manual 15 Revisions - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda D - 2 Manual 15 Biennial Review Revisions - Executive Summary PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda D - 3 Manual 15 Biennial Review Revisions - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Consent Agenda D - 4 Manual 15 Biennial Review Revisions - Clean PDF
09.18.2024 Item 01 - 1 EGCSTF Update and Sunset - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 01 - 2 Draft Electric Gas Coordination Subcommittee Charter PDF
09.18.2024 Item 01 - 3 EGCSTF Final Report PDF
09.18.2024 Item 02 - 1 Hourly Notification Time in Day-Ahead - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 02 - 2 Hourly Notification Time Tariff and Operating Agreement - Redlines PDF
09.18.2024 Item 02 - 3 Manual 11 Revisions - Redlines PDF
09.18.2024 Item 03 - 1 Interface Pricing for Non-Market Entities - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 03 - 2 Tariff Section 2.6A Interface Price Revisions - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Item 04 - 1 Bilateral Capacity Transactions - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 04 - 2 Bilateral Capacity Transactions - Tariff-Attachment DD PDF
09.18.2024 Item 04 - 3 Bilateral Capacity Transaction - Tariff-Attachment Q PDF
09.18.2024 Item 05 - 1 Data Transparency - Problem Statement PDF
09.18.2024 Item 05 - 2 Data Transparency - Issue Charge PDF
09.18.2024 Item 06 - 1 ELCC Capacity Accreditation Methodology - Problem Statement PDF
09.18.2024 Item 06 - 2 ELCC Capacity Accreditation Methodology - Issue Charge PDF
09.18.2024 Item 07 - SATA Phase 2 - Issue Charge PDF
09.23.2024 Item 07 - SATA Phase 2 - Problem Statement PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08A - 1 Manual 03A Revisions - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08A - 2 Manual 03A Revisions - Executive Summary PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08A - 3 Manual 03A Revisions - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08A - 4 Manual 03A Revisions - Clean PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08B - 1 Manual 14F Revisions - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08B - 2 Manual 14F Revisions - Executive Summary PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08B - 3 Manual 14F Revisions - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08B - 4 Manual 14F Revisions - Clean PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08C - 1 Manual 21B Revisions - Presentation PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08C - 2 Manual 21B Revisions - Executive Summary PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08C - 3 Manual 21B Revisions - Redline PDF
09.18.2024 Item 08C - 4 Manual 21B Revisions - Clean PDF
09.23.2024 Item 09 - PJM Interconnection Queue - Presentation PDF